Prevention and Postvention Programs


Prevention Programs

Lines for Life’s Prevention programs help county, state, and regional communities establish and maintain systems which reduce the prevalence of suicide and substance use and respond effectively when needed.

Construction Suicide Prevention Partnership

Construction Suicide Prevention Partnership

A new initiative to reduce suicide and promote mental well-being

The construction workforce experiences the second highest rate of suicide of any industry in the United States, which is why we take part in the Construction Industry Suicide Prevention Partnership. The Partnership is a coalition of companies and organizations that aims to build a suicide-safe construction industry. Our work highlights an infrastructure of skills, knowledge, and adequate resources that specifically speak to the construction industry workforce. 

Help build a suicide-safe construction industry

Learn more about the Construction Suicide Prevention Partnership 

Military Services

Military Services

Improving the Lives of Service Members, Veterans & Families in Oregon

Services and support for Service Members, Veterans, and their Families in Oregon and beyond, including the Lines for Life Military Helpline, training and support for providers who serve Veterans, and Military to Civilian Transition Workshops.

Find out how to support those who serve

Explore our Military Services

Oregon Suicide Prevention

Oregon Suicide Prevention

Empowering professionals, providers, and community members

Lines for Life manages the Oregon Suicide Prevention online hub for resources, training, and events for professionals, providers, and community members statewide.

This information hub is home for Oregon’s Zero Suicide initiative, including resources, assessments, and toolkits to improve suicide prevention within health service systems. It is also home to Oregon’s Big River – a collection of suicide prevention programming and trainings available for free to youth-facing adults and others who can help prevent youth suicide.

Access information, resources, training tools, and more

Visit the Oregon Suicide Prevention Website 

Lethal Means Advisory Group

Lethal Means Advisory Group

Addressing lethal means and firearm safety

Lines for Life, the Oregon Alliance to Prevent Suicide, and other partners research and address lethal means and firearm safety measures for suicide prevention. The advisory group hopes to prevent suicide through safe messaging and gun storage efforts, and to ensure the voices of firearms owners are heard when the Alliance presents recommendations to legislators.

Safe Disposal for Safe Communities

Safe Disposal for Safe Communities: Reducing Opioids in Circulation

Safe Disposal for Safe Communities: Reducing Opioids in Circulation

Reducing Opioids in Circulation

This partnership with Kaiser Permanente promotes the practice of pharmacy-based medication disposal sites to reduce misuse of leftover or unused prescription opioids. The project provides funds to Federally Qualified Health Centers and independent pharmacies to install medication disposal receptacles on site. 

In partnership with OHSU, Lines for Life is studying community attitudes and knowledge about safe medication disposal at Federally Qualified Health Centers in order to develop targeted education and outreach strategies and promote use of these sites.  

Find a Safe Disposal Site near you

OSPC 2023

Oregon Suicide Prevention Conference (OSPC)

Creating suicide-safer communities

This annual conference seeks to highlight the life-saving prevention work happening throughout our state and region, in communities large and small, urban and rural. OSPC is an opportunity to share expertise and strengthen skills in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. Lines for Life partners with OHA to host this annual conference.

We recognize that finances can be a barrier to accessing resources — thanks to our generous community partners, limited scholarships are typically made available to register for the conference.

Strengthen your skills and save lives

Find out about OSPC

OPAT 2023

Oregon Conference on Opioid + Other Drugs, Pain, and Addiction Treatment (OPAT)

Exploring innovative solutions for the opioid crisis

OPAT serves as a forum for health systems, clinicians and providers, and community leaders committed to ending the opioid crisis. The conference showcases state and national initiatives that cross disciplines, promote equity, and fight for the dignity and recovery of those suffering from pain, substance use disorder, or both.

This annual conference, a partnership between Lines for Life and OHA, features innovative solutions from state and national thought leaders in pain treatment, substance use disorder, and mental health treatment and research.

Learn More about OPAT

Postvention Programs

Lines for Life operates several specialized postvention programs to assess and prevent further harm when a suicide death or attempt, or overdose occurs.

Follow-Up Services

Follow-Up Services

Providing critical mental health services in Oregon hospitals

All hospitals in Oregon are now required to provide follow-up services to patients who visit an emergency department due to a mental health crisis or suicide attempt. Our Follow-Up Services partners with hospitals to meet this need.

Research shows that people experience heightened risk for suicide in the hours and days after being discharged from a suicide attempt hospitalization. We proactively intervene at this critical time, and programs like ours have been found to reduce patients’ suicide risk by 30-50 percent. We have followed up with hundreds of patients since Oregon policy changed in December 2018.

Suicide Rapid Response

Suicide Rapid Response

Providing support to help heal Oregon’s communities

Suicide Rapid Response helps Oregon’s communities heal from youth death by suicide, while limiting and containing risk of further harm by partnering with experts in the field to provide direct education, support, and resources.

Get equipped with the right resources

Learn more about Suicide Rapid Response.